Resource database

Catalogue of resources according to specific topics related to fleet electrification as well as regional deep dives.

Ownership costs

  • Total cost of ownership and market share for hybrid and electric vehicles in the UK, US, and Japan. (view more)
  • EV Market Forecasts. Navigant Research. (view more)
  • When Will Electric Vehicles be Cheaper than Conventional Vehicles? (view more)
  • EV Market Forecasts. Navigant Research. (view more)
  • China reduces electric car subsidies. (view more)
  • From the well to the wheel (view more)
  • MOBILIDADE ELÉTRICA Quanto pode poupar (view more)

Environmental benefits

  • Electric vehicles from life cycle and circular economy perspectives (view more)
  • Survey of Global Activity to Phase Out Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles. (view more)
  • From the well to the wheel, Volkswagen. (view more)
  • State and Trends of Carbon Pricing (view more)
  • California’s Clean Fuel Standard Boosts the Electric Vehicle Market  (view more)
  • Using vehicle taxation policy to lower transport emissions: An overview for passenger cars in Europe. (view more)
  • MOBILIDADE ELÉTRICA Quanto pode poupar. (view more)
  • Effects of battery manufacturing on electric vehicle life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions (view more)
  • The size and range effect: lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of electric vehicles (view more)

EV usage and benefits

  • Driving and parking patterns of European car drivers – a mobility survey. (view more)
  • National Household Travel Survey (view more)
  • How Do Electric Vehicles Produce Instant Torque? (view more)
  • The Hidden Benefits of EVs – Silence. (view more)
  • EVs Are Dangerously Quiet. Here’s What They Could Sound Like. (view more)
  • NYC reveals massive maintenance savings from electric cars in its fleet. (view more)
  • How satisfied are you with your EV? (view more
  • AAA Electric Vehicle Range Testing (view more)


  • 4 Ways EV Charging Stations Can Benefit Your Business. Smallbizdaily. (view more)
  • EV Charging Equipment. Navigant Research. (view more)
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviour Study. (view more)
  • The Rolling Battery That Fixes EV Charging’s Big Problems. (view more)
  • EV Charging Is Getting Faster – Slowly. (view more)
  • Guide to chargepoint infrastructure for business users. (view more)
  • V2G Global Road Trip: Around the World in 50 Projects. (view more)
  • The Secret Life Of An EV Battery. (view more)
  • The rise of electric cars could leave us with a big battery waste problem. (view more)
  • Nissan Leaf EV batteries to power Fukushima streetlights. (view more)

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